Macondo Dev Blog - simming
I’m going to log more of my progress on the apps that I wrote about in an earlier post, in an attempt to:
- make myself more likely to work on these apps
- write a log for me and others and drum up some excitement! ;)
Monte Carlo simulation is basically working on Macondo. I expect that since I just got it working, that I’ll discover some bugs and special cases, and there’s so much more I want to do with it, but for now I’m excited that I got it working. As a nod to Scrabble expert Ron Tiekert, who might have been the first person to invent Scrabble simulations back in the 1980s, I plugged in the rack that he used to explain this concept, AAADERW.
In the 1980s many top Scrabblers were proponents of turnover theory; that is, they believed that the more tiles you turn over, the better. The theory certainly makes sense to an extent, if your rack doesn’t have a bingo, why not race to the blanks, Ss, and other good tiles? So with the rack above, many experts might have played AWARD or WARED, keeping a rack of AE or AA (and nowadays, ADWARE is another good option). But Ron explained to Maven author Brian Sheppard that he preferred opening with AWA, and demonstrated to him how picking 50 random racks after AWA results in a higher score next turn than picking 50 random racks after the other longer plays. Brian explains that this was like “manna from heaven” and proceeded to co-invent the gold standard in Scrabble AIs so far - Monte Carlo simulations as applied to the game of Scrabble. This also disproved turnover theory, again, to an extent. The counter-argument goes that blowing up a potentially nice rack makes it just as likely that you would draw bad tiles as good tiles. The counter-argument to that is that it’s situation dependent; turnover certainly has a place when the tile bag looks great, especially towards the end of the game if the blanks are still unseen, and you suspect your opponent doesn’t have one, and so forth.
Here are some results after plugging in AAADERW as an opening rack, and simulating the top 10 moves for about 3183 2-ply iterations (100 seconds overall; I should be able to speed this up significantly with more cores and optimizations):
**Ply 1 (Opponent)**
Play Mean Stdev Bingo %
8C ADWARE 38.379 21.916 21.081
8H AWARD 36.233 22.763 19.384
8G ADWARE 39.977 23.149 21.426
8H ADWARE 38.391 23.625 21.426
8H AWA 30.548 19.686 14.923
8F AWA 30.111 19.716 14.860
8D ADWARE 39.559 22.138 21.112
8D AWARD 33.883 22.050 18.002
8E ADWARE 35.946 22.839 20.390
8D WARED 37.001 23.323 20.672
**Ply 2 (You)**
Play Mean Stdev Bingo %
8C ADWARE 39.689 21.931 19.981
8H AWARD 38.933 22.196 20.515
8G ADWARE 40.635 22.082 19.541
8H ADWARE 39.750 21.416 19.133
8H AWA 45.639 25.015 37.041
8F AWA 45.594 24.901 36.789
8D ADWARE 40.212 21.328 18.410
8D AWARD 37.740 22.550 20.138
8E ADWARE 38.484 21.037 18.724
8D WARED 31.642 17.380 9.237
I still need to calculate the overall “equity” for the play; basically the spread difference, but the results seem close to Quackle’s; for example with roughly the same number of iterations, Quackle has:
Ply1 (opp):
8C ADWARE 39.3219 23.9456 25.2424
8H AWA 31.5039 21.7387 17.6103
Ply2 (us):
8C ADWARE 40.5299 24.0505 22.8965
8H AWA 46.0031 26.7589 40.4442
A few things I notice here is that I might still have some bugs; my bingo % for opp after ADWARE seems a bit low. I know much of the time it’s close to 25% when you are going 2nd, and there are some nice letters for them to bingo through. The mean scores are close though, so I’ll investigate more.
In any case, after this my plan is to get multi-core simming working and some sort of graphical logging (for heat maps), and then work on a pre-endgame engine. My endgame engine is finally bug-free, I believe, but quite slow since it’s exhaustive. It still should work great for the majority of endgames, but at some point I’ll have to rewrite some pieces of it to make it faster.